The Relationship Advice Forum

Everybody seems to have relationship problems. They may be with your "significant other", your kids or your parents. And sound relationship advice is hard to come by. Which is why we offer this forum for your relationship questions and answers.

Tell Us What's Bothering You! Here's the place to talk about it, and to ask for help from a couples counselor and others who've been there.

Please note: The advice and comments on this forum are not intended to be clinical treatment or constitute therapy. Contact a licensed marriage and family therapist if you need clinical help.

Tell Us What's Bothering You!

Here's the place to talk about it, and to ask for help from a couples counselor and others who've been there.

Please note: The advice and comments on this forum are not intended to be clinical treatment or constitute therapy. Contact a licensed marriage and family therapist if you need clinical help.

Read Other's Questions & Answers About Couples Issues.

Click on the links below to help others with their relationship problems, and read what a couples counselor thinks.

My husband and I have been married for almost 20 years. The last 10 have been not good at all. Arguments, feeling neglected, feel like he is not …

Confused on what to do! 
I've been with my husband for 21 years, married 14 and have 2 children. We have had lots of ups and downs. I feel as if he can only show love to one person …

I still feel guilty although forgiven 
Hi, I really need advice. M30 F29. Me (F) and my partner have been together 5 years. We love each other more than anything. I admit sometimes I let …

My wife of 25 years told me she slept with a black guy before we were married. 25 years in and she tells me. I can't get it out of my head. What do I …

My husband had prostate cancer and had his prostate removed one year ago, we've tried different things but he has basically given up, I'm sixty four and …

My husband has a daughter (my step daughter) who is turning 22. She is so dependent on her father and she can do no wrong in his eyes. I always feel …

What should I do? 
Been married for 25 years. Within the first 6 months of marriage, my husband told me he was in love with one of my friends. During our married life, …

Married and lonely  
I've been married for 5 years, my husband doesn't talk to me, not like we're fighting. But he confides in outsiders more than me. I don't know anything …

Priority issues 
I stay in joint family. My husband and his brother both work on ship. My husband is very close to his brothers kid. My husband's brother made a wrong decision …

I Think my husband has a crush on my sister 
Hey, long story short, I started noticing how much my husband looks at my sister (a 10/10 gorgeous, kind woman) and I think he has a crush on her. The …

I have been with my girlfriend for 10 years. I have never been unfaithful. She has relied on me for support fot the entirely of our relationship. …

Almost 34 year marriage on brink 
I found out today that my husband of almost 34 years had run up his credit card, which caused my credit score to take a big hit. When I confronted him, …

Always misinterpreted. 
My wife always gets really angry when I don't agree with her especially when I disagree with what she says I meant by something I said. For example she …

Why does my husband maintain friendships with people who disrespect me? 
My husband and I are older and remarried two years. He has one woman friend in particular who approached me to tell me she has a crush on him and wanted …

I have been with my husband for 30 years. When I first came into the family, his brothers wife blanked me for a long time until she realized I was a long-term …

Husband buying other women drinks 
I give my husband a lot of freedom. He goes and does what he like a lot of the time and has many hobbies. I on the other hand am more than happy spending …

Is this female into my husband? 
Is it weird that a single female friend of my husband’s handed him the Sex at Dawn book as she was leaving our house? She was a coworker of my husband’s …

Marriage issues 
Hello. My name is Jessica I am having a very hard time in my new marriage. I have a ton of trust issues and insecurities. I would love to chat with anyone …

problem with my crush 
so this girl i have talking to for 4 months,she tells me she is interested in me but she has blocked my number but she is still replying to my texts on …

No communication no affection help please 
I’m with my hubby 16 years married 12 .. 3 kids .. I’m so incredibly lonely in my marriage .. no affection, no intimacy, no romance , it’s crushing my …

My husband threatens me with divorce when he’s angry 
My husband and I have what I think to be a pretty good marriage. We have been together 8yrs, married for 4, and have two young children. We argue a couple …

Will couple's therapy help my relationship? 
My (26F) boyfriend (28M) and I have been together for 3 years, living together for about 1 year. We moved in together when we relocated across the country. …

Brother inlaw moved in 
My brother in-law came over 2 months ago to take a shower because he was basically homeless, then he never left. The day he came over for what I had thought …

Scared I made a mistake getting married 
I am 30 years old and have been married for 2 years. When I met my husband I knew he was brought up in church and is conservative, but I felt he hid …

Click here to write your own.

Do I continue with this or not... 
I am questioning whether or not I should stay in my marriage. On the surface we seem a happy couple, however, we have a lot of issues. I believe my husband …

Sexless and Desperate 
My wife and I have been together for 9 years. Married for 6, with 3 children. She’s the only woman I’ve ever been sexually intimate with. I know she had …

How do I survive a sexless marriage? 
This is Ananth, I am a married man, 33 years old, and I face a problem in my sex life. My wife and I perfectly compliment each other, there is lots …

Is my family crazy, should I cut them off?  
Hi, please help me figure out my family or what’s going on here. I live in my family home with my mother and brother, the house belongs to everyone. I …

I feel uncomfortable with husband's female friends 
I have been with my husband for 3 1/2 years and married for almost 2. I sponsored him and his daughter to come to Canada. I relized that I have made a …

Domestic Violence after 20 years 
My husband and I have been for the most part happily married for 20 years. Never been physical with each other although we have had our share of other …

How do I forgive my soulmate for cheating? 
We have been married for 16 years, two kids and have (or had) an amazing relationship. I love this woman more than anything and feel completely blindsided …

Husband had an affair for 3 months, now claims he did not enjoy it and felt sorry for the other women. All the love messages was just to let her feel better …

She still loves me but she is no longer in love with me 
Hi,I'm looking for advice as I can't get my head around what's happening to us. My wife and I have been married for 27 years, we have 3 grown up children …

My husband doesn't want to spend time with my family 
Hi there, I need some advice. My husband usually has a hard time spending time with my family. My family and I are very close and we see each other once …

Discordant sexual desires and all the trouble that comes with it 
The quick rundown: I'm that typical guy in an amazing marriage that's perfect besides the sex life. Her libido is very low. I made sure my needs for sex …

Husband too close to his sister in law.  
Need help. I am breaking down emotionally and mentally. I feel my husband doesn't love me anymore. We've been married for 3 years now. He is working …

So, long story short. My boyfriend has 3 charges of simple assault against me as well as 2 indictable offenses (terroristic threats and criminal restraint). …

Supportive Girlfriend 
I have been with my boyfriend for seven years now everything about him is great except he is addicted to adult apps and online websites where he can interact …

Emotional Affair?  
Hello everyone. I am mentally not well and I need some help. Almost one year ago my husband accepted a phone number from a female coworker. He did …

My sister in law complains about me to my husband and in laws. How should I handle this? 
I am an Indian woman married for 3.5 years now. My husband is sweet, loving and gem of person. He has two elder sisters and a brother. My husband is the …

I feel like my husband puts alot of pressure on me by the way he speaks to me.  
My husband seems to blame everything that happens in our life on me. When I had my first daughter, as she got older and we had to work out parenting styles …

Wife Stays with widowed brothers-in-law 
My wife is Indian (Hindu) and we have been married 32 years. Her sister passed away some years ago, and her family offered my wife her sister's daycare …

missing my ex girlfriend after 19 years and married for the same amount of time/considering divorce now 
Hello folks, I am facing a strange emotional problem that makes me feel really frustrated and sad. I cannot even explain it well but this is real since …

Should I give up on my husband now? 
Hello, I am an Indian wife married for 2 years, staying with Indian husband in USA. I really need advice on my current relationship situation. To ask …

wife is keeping a secret 
Hi, I’m struggling and need some advice. I’m 49 and have been married for 17 years. We’ve had our ups and downs but generally have a very good marriage …

My daughter in law is having an affair ?? 
Both she and my son are 45 and have been together for just over 20 years. I received an e-mail from someone who has sent me evidence that she has been …

To Marry or Not to Marry 
Hello, I am a 49 year old divorced woman, and engaged to marry my 46 year old fiancé, who is also divorced. We are planning to marry in about 8 months... …

I lost all my self confidence after getting married! Help me! 
Mine was an arranged marriage. We met once and got engaged in our next meeting. We never met each other during courtship cos he was in the US. We used …

Am i over-reacting? Please help.. 
We have been married for about 6 years and have a 5 year old daughter together. My husband has a lot of female friends and i am usually fine with that. …

Click here to write your own.

I messed up 
The other night, my fiance of 3 years went to bed to read her book while I stayed up and watched TV. I made a terrible decision, out of boredom, to relieve …

His Ex Sharing inappropriate information with me 
Hi! I'm in a weird position. My fiance's Ex and I are cordial. Every now and then she'll say things to him that are less than kind, but for the most …

Could you please advise me whats happening with my husband? Please save my marriage.  
I am an Indian girl recently married & by arranged. I am doing my PhD in the UK & my husband works in the US. We got married this June and I was with my …

Not a question anymore.of do I want to leave... it's a question of when. 
I've been in a relationship for 8 years. I met this man when I was 20 at a job I had. He is 10 yrs older than me and already had 4 kids with another woman. …

Confused on what to do after being abused  
So I have been married for almost 4 years, we have one son and she is currently pregnant. I don't know what to do. We started dating after high school …

My boyfriend has become very close to his sons girlfriend. 
My boyfriend is in his sixties, as am I. She lives with his son on the property. The son is very irresponsible. Does not work. Gets in trouble, etc. …

im just confused  
Ok. i've been with my finance for about 15 years now, we have two beautiful daughters together. He use to be so kind and so sweet and he would treat me …

He doesn't get it 
He doesn't get it. I been telling him since he laid his hands on our daughter and I got in his face. He said he didn't push her hard, however she had …

abusive relationship? 
Am I in a abusive relationship? he takes the lighter and gets close to me and tries to light it spark it. yesterday he took it and put the lighter next …

i'm so confused. how can I fix myself to fix my relationship? 
I live with my boyfriend. we have been together for 5 years now and have known each other for 15 years. we have 2 kids and are planning on getting married. …

the way he confusses me 
Well I've been here before so this should not be hard for me to do, but it really is because I have now come to know that when it comes to love, …

I am confused am I wrong 
I was a single parent of 3 two boys and a girl when I meet my current husband. He was perfect as far as I saw. He would help me with the chores, take the …

break up of 11 years  
i am 31 and my so-called ex is 41. we broke up in august but we have been together for 11 years. after he left me, we still talked every day. and now …

Am I in a abusive relationship? 
Am I in a abused relationship with my husband? I am a person who talks a lot but all of a sudden very quiet. My husband is a very caring man and responsible …

My husband is cyber cheating in secret 
I am not sure what to do… I just found out that my husband has been talking with a bunch of women online as well as sharing genital/full body pictures …


Should I stay married???? 
Long story shortened. . . I've been married for 10 1/2 yrs and have 4 kids with him. We have had a horrible marriage. Abuse of all sorts, separated more …

Pregnant Woman 
I've dated my partner for 3 months, then got pregnant. After that he lost his job, was arrested came out of jail, seemed to be lost in life, no longer …

What is the problem ? 
i have been with this guy for 5 yrs. just in the past 8 months he hasn't wanted to have sex or even kiss me like he used to do.

My relationship overall with my boyfriend 
It's a long story, but here we go. It all started two years ago ... when i first met my bf we just automatically hit it off!! Even though we only had one …

He's just not that into me... 
I am 25. He is 31. After 3 and a half years, I ended the relationship for multiple reasons, but mainly because his actions simply don't show that he cares …

All Guilty 
Hey there, I am in a relationship from the past year and we have already decided to get married. The problem here is that he knows about only one …

Is it normal to be neglected by his family and friends? 
When ur in a relationship, aren't u supposed to be close to the family and have mutual friends? Me n my bf have been together 3 years on and off. We've …


Am I The Crazy One? 
My boyfriend and i have been together for 2years now. The first year was amazing and he was everything to me. We couldn't get enough of each other. We …

Click here to write your own.

Am I Wrong? 
My boyfriend of two years just asked me for space on Saturday because he feels verbally abused by me. It came about when he didn't answer my calls the …

Am Confused and Devastated 
Am a married woman and I got married June 2011. Exactly 3 months after my wedding, my husband traveled to USA for his MSc. Since then I haven't seen him. …

I Feel So Betrayed 
My partner of ten years has become best buddies with my ex-partner, the father of my two adult children. He has even employed him. And i have also discovered …

Forty-something and I know what I SHOULD do, but afraid to do it. 
I have been in a positive relationship with a wonderful man for four years. I love him, but I realize my love is starting to deteriorate, at least I think …

Marital Problem 
I feel very depressed. Mine is a long story. I am 26 yrs, Indian, married for 5 yrs and have 2 kids. Our marriage is been through problems since the …

Married But Not Married 
I married two years ago, but at one year and 2 months of marriage we are separated. In this relationship we not have any kids, which is a good thing. …

I Feel Depressed 
I just got married last Feb., and I had a baby; he's now 5 months old. I have been staying at home watching the baby. My husband has been resenting …

My Husband Has Retired at 46 
My husband of 16 years just resigned from his job, cashed out his pension and spends his days washing and ironing. He is irritable and angry and open …

BF loves me (really), but doesnt want to ever get married :( 
I have been in an exclusive relationship with my BF of 3 yrs, who is a wonderful man to me. He loves me dearly, as I do him. He has made me a part of his …

Should i move again so my husband can see his son more? 
I have been with my husband for 6 years; his son is 7. My husband is in the army and has been seeing his son one to two weekends a month when his job …

It happened a year ago. I still feel ashamed and upset about this issue.. 
Hope to hear your point of view on this relationship story. I wish to bring this up even though it happened a year ago.. The guy who is your boyfriend.... …

Break Up 
i almost broke up with my fiance 1 week ago because of my son, which ls not his. The reason is i told him how my son has started to do things which are …

Abused or just a needy partner? 
So when is a needy partner an abuser? Having just answered yes to 20 out of the 25 "am i abused" questions, i think i can say i am being controlled. …

To leave or not to leave . . . that is the question- 
My husband of nearly 1-1/2 years has lost his position in the Pacific. He would like to begin practicing in New York where he is also licensed. He has …

I feel like a non-person in my husbands life. He is 33 years old, I am 35. He would rather spend his days with his buddies than he would with me. I look …

Wife needs space  Not rated yet
My wife of 13 yes just told me she needed space after confronting her about overhearing her talking to her friend about me trying to listen to their conversation,and …

Is it ego ? Not rated yet
We are married since 5 years. We both are working in same field being medical professional and working for long hours in the day like 12-14 hours. During …

I don’t love my husband anymore  Not rated yet
I don’t love my husband anymore but can’t leave him. I just don’t feel anymore anything about him. We’ve been together for 27 years and have 3 big children. …

Disrespect  Not rated yet
My husband never takes my insults or my hurts seriously. He always keeps indifferent relationships if someone hurts or insults me. As a wife, I always …

Need Advice.... Not rated yet
To sum it up my wife is an alcoholic,if anyone has experience with that you know its not easy. i finally had all i could take in July 2023 and left. …

marriage advice on husband leaving wife and staying with mother. Not rated yet
It has been 5 months since my father-in-law died. Since then my husband has been staying with his mother in a separate state. he comes to visit me and …

My son has cut me out of his life Not rated yet
My son and the mother of his daughter is no longer together and they share custody. I have been maintaining somewhat of a relationship with her. She has …

Texasgirl Not rated yet
I need some opinions about my situation. My husband of 35 years had pictures of our neighbor who lives across the street in his photos. Only 3 but in an …

Negative Environment and heavy drinking  Not rated yet
My husband of 20 years puts me down a lot. He makes me feel that nothing I do is good enough, in particular around preparing meals for the family. I do …

Shocked Not rated yet
Hello. I am having a very hard day and really do need to know how others view this and what they think and feel if it was them. My husband usually …

Click here to write your own.

Parenting - Why be angry at other  Not rated yet
Wife cheated 2nd time on me that I know of, caught her but won't admit. We have 7 and 6 yr olds. In laws, and wife control everything, against me, its …

Seeking for advice  Not rated yet
my husband has developed a behaviour of being absent minded forr the few hours he spend at home with myself and the kids. He seems not involved in family …

Wife no longer wants sex Not rated yet
My wife and I have been married almost 5 years. Before we started dating she told me that she had a hysterectomy. I thought it wouldn't be an issue. But …

My wife admitted to an affair she had 28 years ago and I can’t get it out of my head. Not rated yet
My wife has asked for forgiveness but I can’t give it. I want to forgive her but I can’t. I asked for all the details and that’s all I can think about. …

Need advice from non loved one Not rated yet
My husband and I have been together for 19 years and married 10 with two kids 5 and 3. I am in a situation that all started 6 years ago and I am torn and …

Old issue that wont go away Not rated yet
Many years ago my wife left me and over the course of the five weeks she was gone, saw another man. We reconciled and I found out about him later and …

Marriages of convenience  Not rated yet
Am I wrong when I say my marriage has gotten to the point of convenience only and I think I’m ok with this?

Been making it work for 13 years Not rated yet
So today was the latest in the on and off fights my wife has. She is a medical professional and had herself admitted to hospital for a non-serious issue …

My Journey through Life, Loss, and Fatherhood. Not rated yet
I have been through a lot and I want to share my life journey: Boy, I haven't shared my life experiences online until recently. I am more of a private …

Acting Strsngr Husband Not rated yet
When Covid hit we realized we should be close to families so my husband and I moved back to Chicago. I have an aunt who is 82 years old and divorced. My …

My wife's ADD and perfectionism is driving our family apart Not rated yet
We have been struggling as a family for the last several years. I was listening to a clinical psychologist describing the root problem with ADD: it is …

Should I leave, or continue to try and save my marriage? Not rated yet
I am a 45yr old man. Married 10 years (5 happily) with two young boys. Just for context My wife is a late thirties immigrant of Eastern European descent …

Unsupportive husband Not rated yet
Hi I have been married for 29 years and we have two daughters 25 and 19 (today!). My husband was brought up in a non demonstrative way and has never really …

My husband's "too friendly" with female co-workers and one who calls him on his computer daily. Not rated yet
Okay, so i have been married to my husband for 11yrs now. He and I both work from home. He is in his office and my desk is our bedroom. I have been struggling …

The Money Discussion - Living Together  Not rated yet
I was wondering if you could help me with a discussion me and my partner are having. She has recently moved in with me. I have owned the house for 9 …

My boyfriend talks alot about his exes and compliment them sexually  Not rated yet
Hello, this is the first time I've shared on a forum and I need answers so I'll be rather short... Finally... I'll try :,) This is the first time in …

Fairness with bills and chores.... Not rated yet
I work full time and my wife is a stay at home mom. She has suddenly asked me to do my biological children's laundry and still help with normal chores …

In-laws conflict (edited) Not rated yet
My wife and I come from somewhat different backgrounds and ways of living. I am not going to go into details on that, but will only say this difference …

Quiet husband, lonely wife Not rated yet
Both of us are introverts. We bonded over things like Star Trek, Marvel/Ghibli movies, and playing Nintendo games together. We have similar values though …

Married couples and strip clubs Not rated yet
I'm 43 years old and have never been to a strip club.  And I think its disrespectful to my wife if I go to one. I know she wouldn't like the idea of me …

Wife blames my reaction for not telling me about lunch with a new man  Not rated yet
My wife went to a secret lunch with a new male friend she just met. when I found out about it she said it was my fault and couldn't tell me because I would …

Hindu Muslim marriage Not rated yet
Hello, I am in a 5yr relationship and my bf is a muslim, we had discussions in the earlier stages of relationship that I will not have to accept Islam …

new husband quits his job after only being married for 3 weeks. Not rated yet
I'm pushing 60. Divorced after 30+ yrs in 2012. Moved out of state. Met my now husband in 2015. He had a good paying job. So did I. He proposed 2019. …

JustMe Not rated yet
After a decade of dating, living together, and household responsibilities my significant other has still never asked me to marry him. It's been discussed …

Relationships after rehab Not rated yet
I have been in and out of a 10 year relationship for the past year. my partner suffers from substance, alcohol and gambling addiction. there was also an …

Click here to write your own.

Video games are more important than family Not rated yet
My husband and I are going on 4 years of marriage this year. I just gave birth to our 2nd child a week ago and I cannot get him to stop playing his video …

Feeling Flustered Not rated yet
I really wasn't looking for anyone but dreaded the thought of being alone for the rest of my life, so I married my husband. He is/was a really great guy …

Newly married. Feeling trapped. Used. And overlooked.  Not rated yet
Newly married at 33. My husband has 3 previous wives and I feel like he has given so much to the women before me, and in turn I'm only getting part of …

To marry, or not to marry, that is the topic Not rated yet
My boyfriend and I Love each other very much. We have each been divorced 3 times, including his 1st being my older sister. He still wants to get married, …

I don’t think my husband loves me or even likes me Not rated yet
Driving back from a wedding I brought the uncomfortable question so you love me? Married 20y and 4 children he said yes. But you don’t want to do anything …

Confused  Not rated yet
My husband has addictive behaviors that I have come to accept. I am currently attending Gam-anon, working on my healing and recovery. My husband is not …

Wife forcing me to take home decision against my will Not rated yet
It may sound like a very small issue but past few days my wife has been insisting to shift to a locality which I'm not willing to. Here she is saying if …

How bad are these signals coming from my wife? Not rated yet
I’d been going along feeling like our relationship was pretty good. I thought we had a strong connection when we could get away and when we do things together. …

My husband called me fat Not rated yet
My weight has always been an issue. When we got married I was 136 pounds. 17 years and 2 kids later, I am 187 pounds. I have struggled with my weight …

Hurtful words Not rated yet
About 4 years ago my wife and I had been married 20 years and we were talking about growing up. I made a comment that my older brother got all of the …

New wife not accepting my kids, alcohol involved Not rated yet
After a 4 year dating relationship, my wife and I got married. We are both free spirits, fun people. Awesome people. We all know nothing is perfect in …

Confused Not rated yet
Hi, I married a guy that was not a resident or citizen of the USA; he is a UK and Mexico citizen. He was here visiting his family that lives very close …

I have no clue what to think Not rated yet
I am at a point where I don't know if I am over-reacting or not. It is a complicated story. I have never had a lot of luck in relationships but by the …

Should I Be Concerned ? Not rated yet
So my husband of 25 years has a habit of placing himself in inappropriate situations regarding other women then claiming innocence. (Ex; he’s had close …

is my wife cheatng? Not rated yet
my wife is the mother of two and 40 plus but I suspect she is attracted to her colleague. I have installed spy software in her mobile and monitoring her …

Communication Struggles Not rated yet
I am beyond my wits at this point. My wife has massive anxiety and has so many triggers. I’m trying my best to avoid those triggers so she can improve …

I shut down Not rated yet
My husband is telling me I am hurting him when I shut down emotionally. I know its not healthy but I cant stop. We have an awesome relationship and communicate …

Am I Wrong... Seeking Clarity on relation with Husband Not rated yet
Dear reader, It is true when they say that clarity is best sought when you see things from outside .. and hence I need your advice and solution. …

Wife in despair  Not rated yet
Hi I have been with my partner for 9 years and we got married during the pandemic last August. Shortly after he told me he didn’t want anymore children …

Am having a financial issue and it looking like my finance wants to leave me Not rated yet
I have built a two year relationship despite our language barriers, and i want to plan settlement with her in about 2years time but it seems things are …

Marriage without trust Not rated yet
So me and my husband are married for almost 5 years now. Few months ago I “cheated” on him for flirting and talking with a guy, but the guy and I never …

Joe Not rated yet
I'm a married man of four years. My wife is bipolar. It's not an easy marriage and it is my 1st. Everything is always my fault. I can never do anything …

Working dad stuck with stay at home stoner Not rated yet
Together 11yrs, married 6, one son 5yrs. My wife is a stay at home mom, she wakes up around 1pm goes to bed late and smokes pot all day long, first …

I am confused and unsure about a married female coworker intentions.... Not rated yet
Hi, I am a happily married Man, 7 yrs. She is a married Female, 8 yrs. She has 2 children (1 about 6 mos ago) We are coworkers together, (although after …

Sick and tired of being sick and tired Not rated yet
I’ve been married for 7 years and find myself really struggling to stay married. We have two children and the bulk of our household and family responsibilities …

Click here to write your own.

Wife has been texting a work collogue Not rated yet
Hi Following a recent night out my wife came home and spent about an hour in bed next to me texting a male attractive work colleague, I got a glimpse …

Passionless Marriage Not rated yet
I married my best friend in 2018. We've known each other for 2 decades and have always been really close. When we started dating we knew the transition …

Fighting with husband Not rated yet
My husband got back from work, i had made dinner and not had anything to eat all day so i get to have dinner with him. When he got home i told him i am …

Heart broken Not rated yet
Daughter-in-law is cheating on son I have proof - she is playing games with his emotions And threatens with kids - which means the world to my son …

Lonely in my marriage Not rated yet
I am a 30 year old woman. I have been married to my husband for nearly 4 years and we have been together for nearly 9 years. We have a 2 year old son together …

Partners or not? Not rated yet
I have clinical depression, which I take medicine for. I also get anxiety, which is triggered by certain things. One of those things is a cluttered, messy …

Irresponsible and unsupportive husband Not rated yet
Hi, I am writing this in grief , my husband is not at all ready to take responsibility of mine and his baby. I work onsite , I tried to call him on …

My In-laws hate me because of my husband's lies. Not rated yet
My husband and I have been married for 28 years. We have 4 kids together. The oldest of which is 30. I have never been accepted by by in-laws and never …

How do I leave? Not rated yet
I have been married for 18 years. I was only 19 when I got married. I got pregnant soon after, and we have had 4 awesome children. Over the years, my husband …

Husband thinks he's in love with cyber affair partner Not rated yet
Hi my husband and I have been together for 25 years and married 21 Back in June I started noticing he was getting really short with me and then telling …

Divorce? Counseling?  Not rated yet
I love my wife very much so. But, I find myself very unhappy with her lately. She is a feminist, brought up a Mormon by a man hating mean old woman. …

Feel Like I’m in a shared relationship 24/7 Not rated yet
Hello! I’m here to ask opinions, help or advice on how to handle this or maybe just over thinking it all. I feel like my relationship/marriage is always …

We had two miscarriage's and my wife is now numb to me Not rated yet
We have one child and have had two miscarriages. since then she has been busy with work and hasn't dealt with the trauma. Now that I have finally gotten …

Did I make a mistake  Not rated yet
I’ve been engaged for 3 years now also but it feels like I’ve made such a mistake at times. I feel so alone most of the time and like he has no real plans …

Feeling lonely  Not rated yet
Hi I am feeling lonely in my marriage and I feel like I will become sick soon. I am looking for someone to help me. My husband goes out and comes home …

Difficult marriage  Not rated yet
Hi I am feeling lonely in my marriage and I feel like I will become sick soon. I am looking for someone to help me

My wife has the "7yr itch" and wants a divorce Not rated yet
We've been married 8yrs, We met through a mutual friend on my wife's 21st birthday. I was the DD because I wasn't old enough to drink in the bar. At the …

Husband’s work colleague  Not rated yet
Earlier in the year, I found some disturbing texts in my husband’s phone.. the texts were from a single girl (same age as my husband and I.. we’re in our …

Clueless and confused  Not rated yet
I’m 41 and have been married to my husband for close to 18 years. We have 3 children. My husband stopped speaking to me about two months ago. He sleeps …

In love with a man I had an affair with  Not rated yet
I had an affair and the guy I had an affair with recently got married. Before he got married he begged me to move in. I constantly lied to him stating …

Screw Up Not rated yet
Hi everyone, Just wanted some help/advice to see if I am a ****ty husband or not. Long story short my wife and I legally got married on November …

Does he even love me? Not rated yet
Hi, I was in an abusive relationship before the one I’m in now. Whilst in this abusive relationship I met this new guy (Nick) when I was looking for a …

Long journey  Not rated yet
My husband and I have been together for 17 years. We have had our fair share of ups and downs. From financial hardships, death, grief, 2 kids, learning …

Family vs. love Not rated yet
Hi everyone! My partner and I are in a place where we want to move our relationship forward. However, we reached a road block where they do not feel …

Our differences are causing too many troubles Not rated yet
My wife and I love each other very much but we have only been married now for two years and things already seem irreparable. We've tried many different …

Click here to write your own.

I am lost Not rated yet
I (35f) have been married to my husband (35m) for almost 13 years. He has always been a little on the selfish side but also been really nice for the first …

Too much resentment  Not rated yet
I don’t know how to explain everything in a small post but I will try. My husband and I always had a pretty good relationship—only fights were about sex—he …

Lost wife Not rated yet
I have 3 children and 3 grandchildren. My sister and nephew whom I'm very close to live next door. I like to spend time with my parents as they are in …

Sex issues Not rated yet
So I glanced through a couple sex issues that men have posted about and I feel like I can relate to their wives. So, this is a question for me regarding …

Sister-in-law and husband kissed  Not rated yet
So I found out the most horrible way that my husband had been unfaithful and kissed another woman. I found out because he accidentally sent a text meant …

Meeting guys Not rated yet
Hi everyone, I hope you are doing well. I have a weird question to ask. One of my very good friends (we call each other sisters) has no trouble meeting …

Husband wants to send money to His Parent’s Maid and Hid it from me! Not rated yet
My Husband is thinking of sending money to the maid of his parents every month…. didn’t tell me and when I came to know from some other source….. he said …

Torn between Husband and Kids Not rated yet
Hi everyone, I need sone advice. My anxiety is through the roof. Little background, I have 3 children two daughters 21 and 18 and one son 15. I have …

After 25+ year of marriage, I have lost faith in my relationship Not rated yet
On the exterior, most people tell us that we are the nicest couple but the truth couldn't be more wrong. it's like that once look alike broken picket fence …

Cheating Not rated yet
Is porn cheating? I found my husband of 19 years is watching porn. It really bothers me. I mean am I not enough anymore? Does he need to watch it to be …

Marriage Is A Big Step: The Choice Of The Time To Marry Not rated yet
The choice of the time to marry varies from one person to another. Some prefer getting married early like me, while others prefer late marriages. In both …

Boyfriend or mum at Christmas... Not rated yet
Hi my name's Becks. My partner hates my mum, who is now 76 and on her own, and he is making me choose between her and him at Christmas and I don't know …

Break up Not rated yet
I am goin true break up that I really don't understand. Guy break up with me for couple months because of his health problems he is going to different …

My marriage is over, why are we still holding on? Not rated yet
Im not the best storyteller but here it is: My husband and I have been married for 17 years, 2 children together, who are going off the college this fall. …

Are my fears about marriage coming from anxiety or intuition? Not rated yet
I (31F) have been with my boyfriend (29M) for almost 3 years. Over the past year and a half or so of our relationship, I've been confronting some of my …

What should I do?  Not rated yet
My husband and I have been together 12 years married and 14 years together. It hasn’t always been great as he is lazy when it comes to effort into the …

My wife is a little over bearing with my medication.  Not rated yet
I'm a 50 year old man. I have been married for 26 years. I have a decent life. I'm semi retired and I work when I want to. However I do have some marital …

Failed marriage ? Not rated yet
I am 40 years old male. I live with my parents. I got married in 2015. We have our daughter in 2017. Now the issue is that my spouse is working and …

Husband just doesn’t seem to care Not rated yet
My husband likes to play video games a lot. So much so that he has played all day long today, whilst I have looked after our 1 year old. I have asked if …

Mother is recently widowed and I'm trying to do what's best Not rated yet
Hello all. My father passed away back in March 2020, leaving my mom alone and with a lot of stuff/debt. My parents had a very codependent relationship, …

Im so bored Not rated yet
Ive been married 25 Years, kids grown up son still Living with us But im just so lonely and bored. my hubby is caring but old fashioned set in his ways …

Unnecessary anger Not rated yet
We were going to church and I normally fill out our offering envelope in the car, which I I was getting out of the car it fell down into the side …

I don’t love him Not rated yet
Hi I’ve been with my other half 12 years, married for 3, we have 3 beautiful children. For a while I have felt myself drifting away from him, before Christmas …

Fiance could be a liar Not rated yet
I've been chatting and talking with my fiance over the last 4 5 months. Over time through his childhood stories learnt how he used to lie to his parents …

stressed Not rated yet
My husband went to another town about 7 hours away to sell his boat. Along the way he picked up a 24 year old female hitchhiker. He is 59.he ended up asking …

Click here to write your own.

Want advice  Not rated yet
I would like to know from various married couples men and women perspectives on the value and the necessity and the importance of informing your Spouse …

Wedding ring Not rated yet
My wife pawned her wedding ring. I told her it was ok as long as she got it out. Then one night I over heard her talking to her sister she asked her were …

My husband's granddaughter  Not rated yet
So torn My husband and I have been married for 11 years, his granddaughter is 14. We have visited the dad who is a single father a few times but they …

Is he not attracted to me anymore? Not rated yet
So... I have been married for 6 years and in a relationship totaling 11 years with my husband. Intimacy over the last few years has become awkward I have …

My Wife wants to have sex every day. Not rated yet
I'm a man in my mid 30's. I've been married for 2yrs. I must point out first that my wife is a very attractive and beautiful woman in her early 30's. And …

Make Your Married Life Better With Your Husband Not rated yet
What are some valuable advice to make my love relation good?

Mrs Not rated yet
I have issues in my marriage but am here to learn and see if I can help save the marriage

Am I wrong for feeling bothered by this?  Not rated yet
OK, so I've been married to my husband for almost a year now and we've been together for almost 3 years. He has 4 kids from a previous marriage, I have …

I have been married for 9 years and can honestly say I never knew someone could be so mean and selfish. My husband or should I say roommate is evil. He …

Step parent issues Not rated yet
So I have two step daughters 8&10. Their father encouraged me to discipline them. But if I do there has been times when he’ll get upset with me about maybe …

Fighting for my needs Not rated yet
I've been in a relationship for two years. The first 6 months he went completely overboard impressing me and making everything romantic...(Im old and wise …

Cleaning daughter-in-law and son's house  Not rated yet
My son and daughter-in-law live in a very dirty and disorganized house. The garage and outside are equally a mess. The situation was the same when they …

Is she cheating on me? Messed up story Not rated yet
So my wife was caught by me feeling up and making out with my friend and a couple days later she calls out his name in bed. What is the % chance she's …

Neglected by newly wed spouse Not rated yet
Greetings and Bliss to you. My spouse and I recently married last September. Our anniversary hasn't arrived and I feel as if we've been married for years …

Relationship issues Not rated yet
I've been in a relationship for 4 years now and we are planning for marriage. My boyfriend provides for my needs and never let me lack anything. But he …

Affair resulted in a child Not rated yet
My husband had an affair and the affair partner had a baby the end of March. The AP waiting until she was 7 months to tell my husband. We were doing …

Spouce cheating  Not rated yet
I found out my husband was flirting on Facebook with women. When I confronted him he got nothing to say and he admitted it. I’m very depressed and don’t …

Forgiving too much Not rated yet
I had a pre-planned family vacation before I met my boyfriend. We were together 3 months when I left for that vacation. While I was gone he reconnected …

Sex has stopped in she cheating Not rated yet
After 24 years of marriage and doing fun things together, oral sex has stopped both ways. no longer seems to enjoy sex. we are down to two times a month. …

Rock and a hardplace Not rated yet
My husband and I have been married 3 years and together 7. During this time my adult son has been a drug addict. He got clean for a few years then relapsed. …

17 years of unhappy marriage. Not rated yet
Hello there beautiful souls. I was browsing the net for couple forum and it brought me here. I'm Jenny, been married for 17 years now. In this 17 years …

Mrs Not rated yet
I am married for the 2nd time to a man who adores me and my 2 sons who he took over raising. I find it difficult that he gets annoyed at my kids using …

Soul Sister  Not rated yet
My husband went to Massage Therapist and had to get completely naked for the massage.. he hid the fact that he went and I found out because I saw a text …

Confused...need advice Not rated yet
Hello, I've been divorced for about 5 years. Met a woman and we've been dating for a little over a year. We are in love and talking about marriage. …

Sexless marriage Not rated yet
Married for seven years with three kids but my issue is there is no sex in my marriage. It's been two years since we had sex. I have tried everything …

Click here to write your own.

separated and feel like im chasing Not rated yet
so we have been seperated for 2 months now. I don't see much progress in my husband. He seems to be drifting away .Do i just let him go or do i keep offering …

Please help Not rated yet
I'm divorced for about 1 year and have a 3yo daughter. I started dating this guy for 1 month and things were going great. He knew about my past. But sometimes …

I can see how much my wife still trap on her past marriage.And she let me feel im less important. Not rated yet
We are married for 6 years now. My wife let me feel less important, she don't even respect me she yell at me,telling all the bad words that you can imagine. …

Emotionally Abusive Marriage, no one to talk to Not rated yet
Hello there! I've been with my husband for almost 17 years, we have 3 young children. Over the years my husband developed a serious mental issue with doctors, …

Need intimacy help Not rated yet
Okay so me and my wife kiley are newlyweds, well tonight she asked me if I wanted to do a porn. My first thought was too say yes but I avoided. I asked …

Why did I snoop? Not rated yet
Have you ever heard the phrase be careful what you wish for? Well I certainly didn’t wish to find what I have when I snooped on my husbands phone. We …

Confused and indecisive  Not rated yet
So I am a 28 yr old female, married for last 3 yrs.initially after my marriage we moved in with my mother in law and my husband sort of got the idea that …

Feeling unappreciated  Not rated yet
How do I let my wife know I would like more attention or recognition for the things I do, without nagging her or asking for praise?

New wife is hiding alimony payments from her ex Not rated yet
New wife is hiding alimony payments from her ex. We’ve been married almost 3 years and she never told me she is receiving payments. I found emails from …

Daughter Avoids me after Divorce Not rated yet
My ex-husband just passed away. We divorced 8 years ago due to his request after being married for 30 years. I found out after the fact that he was in …

Love is not enough Not rated yet
Me and my husband is married for almost 4years. We have a daughter who is now 1year old. I love my husband but i don't know i guess love is ain't enough.. …

I need advice please I’m so depressed right now  Not rated yet
My name is James. I have a wife that likes to nag and she does not respect me out of that I tried to cheat and she caught me we starting having issue every …

Husband Out of Work/wants to move family out of state Not rated yet
My husband and I have been married for several years and have a 3 year old daughter. We live near both our families and the grandparents are heavily involved …

Brian  Not rated yet
Is it wrong to change into pajamas in my bedroom in my house with the door open and adult kids down stairs?

Spending Time Together Not rated yet
My wife feels that I spend time with her because I have to and not because I want to. When I am spending time with her she always feels that I would rather …

Wife keeps accusing me  Not rated yet
A year ago my wife accused me of having an affair with my sister. Now she has just asked me if my ex's baby who i'm guessing is around 4 is mine. I haven't …

Husband won't think of financial future Not rated yet
My and my husband are in our early fifties. He refuses to get any type of life insurance policy and will not put any money aside for funeral expenses …

Moved from another country Not rated yet
So my husband and I are from another country, met in college I moved to the US in 7th semester, we ended up breaking up. Like 2 or 3 years later I decided …

How do I show my husband that I'm smart? Not rated yet
I have an MA in the humanities and am the editor of a publication. My husband has a BA in the sciences and does environmental work. Not surprisingly, he …

Is this normal in a marriage  Not rated yet
I have been married to my husband for 15 years. And every time I say I love you to him it isn’t true. He is always underneath stress he says. Or he is …

Advice needed for an idiot. Not rated yet
Hi all I’m in a bit of a dilemma and need some advice. I recently ended a 7 year relationship out of impulse because we was stuck in a routine and we …

Elderly couple with differing sex drives Not rated yet
My husband & I were high school sweet-hearts & have been married 45 years.There have been ups & downs but he's the only man I love & have had sex with. …

Extremely depressed over my relationship (we just made 10 years) Not rated yet
Hi there, I will try my best to keep things brief, since I really want to get as much constructive assistance as possible. My spouse and I just made …

Bigguy Not rated yet
Don't know what to do anymore. In normal conversations or arguments my wife insists I'm wrong or I was in the wrong when incidents from the present or …

Marital Advice Not rated yet
I'm a 28 year old man and have been in a relationship with someone who is 33 year old. It's been 5 years now. I d like to seek advice is 5 year in today's …

Click here to write your own.

Covid -19 affecting my trust issues with boyfriend (Sorry long) Not rated yet
Dating my boyfriend about 1 ½ years. For the most part we have a good relationship. We have both been cheated on in our previous relationships (My x …

19 year relationship failing  Not rated yet
So we are high school sweethearts. Together 19 yrs. We have 3 children 15, 11 and 5. We have had plenty of ups and downs. About 13 years ago he would …

Husband doesn't want to be with me anymore  Not rated yet
Me and my husband have been together 4 years, married for just over a year. Our relationship has never been perfect, he accuses me of lying and cheating …

Wife's Serious Weight Problem and Jealousy. Constant Fighting. Not rated yet
My wife and I have been married almost 20 years. During that time, she has steadily gained weight, lots of it. We fight over it constantly. Diets, gyms, …

Sleeping with Husband after knowing his cheating on me  Not rated yet
We have been married for 6 1/2 years. I'm getting ready to move out bcus his cheating on me and other issues. I am going to divorce him. But i still love …

I just don’t know what to do.  Not rated yet
My husband and I have been married for about 4 years and have a 1 year old little girl. For 3 of those years I was in college and worked part time (for …

Wife had an emotional affair Not rated yet
My wife had an emotional affair with a co-worker years ago. They were spending enough time together that many other workers thought they were having an …

Sex Not rated yet
The wife, who is 50 and has menopause said she could go through the rest of her life without sex but she'll do it for me because she loves me. No man …

Is it just in my imagination. Not rated yet
So do I see a marriage counselor, a therapist or a shrink? I'm so confused in my 31 year marriage I'm beginning to think I'm actually going crazy. …

Wife with no desire for physical affection Not rated yet
I'm not even talking about the bedroom. No hugs, no kisses...nothing. I confronted her about my desire/need for physical touch in my realizing an expression …

Totally Broken Not rated yet
I just found on my husbands phone that he has several accounts on adult websites and has paid for them and sent money to women for nude pictures. My …

Husband cheated Not rated yet
My husband had a 4 month affair on me. I found out something was going on in the middle of october. He denied it until about the middle of November then …

Is this normal Not rated yet
I have been in a relationship for 8 years. We have a 5 year old son. I always wanted more children but my wife decided she only wanted one as she did not …

My husband is attracted to me and cares for me but doesn’t love me  Not rated yet
2 months ago my husband and I had a conflict, afterwards he said that he wanted to separate because he didn’t love me as much as before. Today he said …

Husband sleeping on the couch, every, single. night Not rated yet
Hi everyone, I am new to this group. And hoping/praying that someone will be able to help. If not, I am just happy to share. I have been married over …

Problem with trust my husband  Not rated yet
I have 2 kids. I am house wife and take care of kids for 10 years. I not have job for 10 years because I not trust my husband stay home alone with kids. …

Sister in law eing passive aggresive Not rated yet
Hi, I come from a close knit family and my brother and I are very close. So its extra sensitive for me because i don't want him to get hurt. My brother …

We seem rub each other off, on the wrong Not rated yet
Between me and my husband, every action or comments seems to receive negative automatic response. The very first reaction Is negative. This has turned …

Feel so unloved and undesired effects my selfesteem Not rated yet
I'm 48, been married for 3 years this may. Married to a farmer, small hold family business. Live in middle of nowhere. Not working much, at moment. …

Am I doing the right thing Not rated yet
I have 3 children under 3 and under with my wife. I have been 100% faithful, but my wife had a fling on her hen do, an actually went to meet, stay over …

Wife feels obligated or guilted into having sex Not rated yet
quick background,My wife is Type A personality. Very controlling. Not real happy at her job but never has been happy at her job. She is the happiest when …

Is he cheating?  Not rated yet
We were having septic tank problems, so we lifting the lid and blew the lines out. The next day I walk outside and look down and see a condom floating …

The silent treatment. Not rated yet
A few days ago I met my daughter halfway between our town and hers to return her car that was damaged in an accident while she was home. It was a 9 hour …

How to be a better communicator  Not rated yet
How can I be a better communicator?

Marriage breakdown Not rated yet
I’ve been married for just over 20 years, I was married before, but ended in divorce, my first having a few affairs, we had 4 children and a house, walking …

Click here to write your own.

I don't know if I can forgive her Not rated yet
ok so for a few weeks leading up to Christmas I thought my wife was flirting with somebody ( always secretive with her phone, every time I went near her …

Marriage problems. Not rated yet
Hello all, my problem is as follows, am living in the USA now for three year with my kids and husband who sponsored us here so my two oldest kids are not …

Husband girlfriend Not rated yet
How do i stop my husbands girlfriend from being in my house and throwing out my stuff

My husband has this tendency of insulting me in front of his side of the family Not rated yet
How can i change the way he bahaves.. he always try to insult me in front if family members.. the things we discuss in personal are always a family discussion.. …

Me and my fiancee cannot come up with a living agreement, and our baby will be here in 15 weeks! Not rated yet
So here's the short history of us before I tell you our problem: Tim and I met in December '18, he's the manager overnight and I was just one of his …

MR. Ed Not rated yet
We have been married for 24 years, I am aged 51, and she is aged 58. For the last few years, every time I try to be affectionate or bring up sex, she yells, …

Feels like I am being emotionally bullied by wife  Not rated yet
Hi, my wife and I have been married now for 6 years. She has some emotional or perhaps mental issues bordering on bipolar. I sort of knew this before we …

Helpless Not rated yet
Married 12 years, no children together, but two grown daughters; both with children. The daughters hate me and disrespect me in public; refuse to come …

Girlfriend flirting with someone else Not rated yet
I will try to be brief. I am 46, my gf is a 37 single mom (2 kids)…few months ago she went to a club with some girls, i found out that she ended up …

Conflict over hanging portraits Not rated yet
My spouse wants to hang a portrait of his side of the family in the house and I want to wait until we have a portrait of my side. He said I'm being petty. …

Controlling husband Not rated yet
My husband is very controlling. He tracks me with my phone. I can't do anything or go anywhere without his approval...otherwise, I'm cheating. I've …

Marriage problems Not rated yet
Good Morning. Husband married 5 years 1 child. Recently my wife and I are at each other's throats. Our sex life is non existence. Yesterday we were …

Trips to visit family result in arguments Not rated yet
My husband (47) and I (52) moved 500 miles away from home. His dad (73) and only family now lives with us but my family is back home. I always go home …

Something is off between my boyfriend and his son’s girlfriend  Not rated yet
I would like to ask, as a women who is in her late thirty’s, I have started feeling a bit self-conscious about the way I have aged below the waist. In …

My wife is everything, but I think she feels like nothing.  Not rated yet
To whoever can help or at least shed a ray of light at the end of this tunnel, I’ve been married to my wife for almost 9 years now. We have three …

To leave or not to leave Not rated yet
Hi, I'm new to all this but thought I would give it a go. My husband and I have been together for 22 years, married for 16. We tried ivf over a spell …

Emotionally unavailable and verbally abusive Not rated yet
I am remarried and been married for 6 years. My husband over most of our marriage barely speaks a word,shows no emotion,never jokes or laughs. I can't …

Marriage Issues... Not rated yet
My wife and I have been married for quite some time and our relationship has never been good. We are at the point where we can barely stand one another …

Falling apart Not rated yet
Been married close to 20 years and everything is falling apart. Has been for many of those years. No emotional support, money problems, always playing …

Falling asleep on the highway Not rated yet
Hello, I am having a problem with my partner waking me up all hours of the night. I do not know what to do, no matter how much I ask him not to wake me …

Ex Wife troubles Not rated yet
My husband’s ex wife won’t accept that he is not her husband. She acts like she is still his wife and our marriage isn’t real. She even came to our house …

Dishonesty Not rated yet
My husband and I married june of 2018. Bought an house that year and had a baby jan 2019. I was honestly happy. Until I went through his phone one night. …

I'm not happy anymore Not rated yet
Me and my wife have been together for 10 years. We were both 22 when we got together and at face value we have the 'story book' life - The house, a child …

Repeat cheating Not rated yet
My girlfriend says she cheats because I didn’t want to do Therapy

Thriftyhippie Not rated yet
I Was in a horrible auto accident in December which then we were not married.. he was the driver so we both were severely injured. We got married just …

Click here to write your own.

Im in this marriage alone Not rated yet
Im 47 yr old female. 2nd marriage just over 3 yrs, and i find myself absolutely alone in my marriage, i love my husband very much but im not sure if im …

5 years later finding out my ex been cheating  Not rated yet
I met someone that was broken and was treated bad in the streets ****is her married name. Which she still to this day not divorced that was also a problem. …

Was my wife ready for marriage Not rated yet
I have been married for a little over a year and have known my wife for 3 going 4 years. I keep asking myself if she was really ready to be married. …

Imjustme Not rated yet
The day I died inside... He brought me flowers again. I should be happy, right? Well, I would have, if it wouldn't have been for the million time it happens …

broken relationship Not rated yet
my partner and i have been together for 25 years and have 3 children, one who has special needs. we have always been very close and loving and always soul …

Help, my marriage makes me miserable Not rated yet
Hi there, I've run out of ideas when it comes to making our marriage work. We don't go out, as a couple, I've tried suggesting this but other half makes …

Am I doing the right thing  Not rated yet
So I’m 34 years old , my as of wife still is 42. We met at a bar n about year n half later got married..nothing was special about it. i instantly regretted …

My father is cheating on my mother Not rated yet
It's been awhile since I suspected that he's having an affair with someone. But now I'm sure I found evidence. I don't know what to do, my feelings …

My Husband is bothering me. Not rated yet
I have been married for 4 years. These 4 years have been so rocky. It started out with verbal and physical abuse but then slowly got better where it reduced …

Husband seeking advice from Women Not rated yet
Hi There, My name is William. I need advice about my Wife. Let me first that that I trust my Wife and know that she is a great person and mother to our …

Crying in my own honeymoon  Not rated yet
I have known my partner for 4.5 years. At the beginning everything was awesome, but 6 months into our relationship the fights started and they haven’t …

need to talk Not rated yet
my wife is tired of me lying. she says that she needs me to have a job before she makes love to me again. and she is with a married guy on the side who …

Controlling husband Not rated yet
I've been married for 30 years, have 2 sons & grandchildren & is very unhappy in my marriage. he is very controlling with everything including finances …

Blended family issues. Not rated yet
I am seeking advice or opinion about my family situation. My husband and I are a blended family. We have been married for 5 years, together for 7. When …

No fool like an old fool Not rated yet
I have always had secret desires, and always been too embarrassed to talk to anyone. I have always wanted and longed for a girl to hug and kiss, even when …

Fallen in love with a guy who is already engaged Not rated yet
I am searching for a groom and I fell in love with my office colleague.. unfortunately he had roka but doesn't seem to be happy with his relationship.he …

Relationship break  Not rated yet
I have been married for 6 months. Before the marriage affair was fruitful with trust between both of us. After 3 months together wife started complaining …

My boyfriend owes my parents money Not rated yet
Keeping it short and sweet... My boyfriend of 8 years (we do not live together or have children together, but we both have children from previous marriages) …

old girlfriends Not rated yet
My husband insists on being on Facebook for hours at night connecting with old girlfriends/fiances. He doesn't share any of it with me and says its none …

MD4M Not rated yet
I am a 64 year old woman who has been married 31 years. Unfortunately, my marriage has always lacked physical and emotional intimacy, but I chose to stay …

Together for 9 years. I was an ass, she wants to leave Not rated yet
My wife and I have been married for 5 years together 9. We've been through hell and back together. I used to be the biggest ass to her. I worked long …

Do I stay or do I go? Not rated yet
I don’t know where to start… My BF and I began dating and I was under the impression he had 2 daughters and been divorced 3 years…. later down the road …

My BF is texting prostitutes and other women... Not rated yet
Hi. So we’ve been dating for 1.5 years. Both come from loveless and distinctions marriages. When he’s not being absolutely horrible to me he’s the most …

Little too late or better late than never Not rated yet
Hi Long story short as I can make it. Both my partner and I are 32. We have been together 16 years and have lived together 10 years and have 3 children …

AM I LIVING A LIE ?  Not rated yet
Hi i have been married 4 years and we have no kids . Over the years we been together there have been some issues that bothered me very much, i need your …

Click here to write your own.

Is it okay for my wife to... Not rated yet
I don’t want to muddy the waters per se, so I’ll skip other details. I’ll try keeping this as brief and unbiased as possible. Thank you very much your …

Finding wife unattractive  Not rated yet
HI,I just turned 26 and got married 5 months ago (we dated for 4 years). All of a sudden three months ago, I started noticing that my amazing wife who …

Unhappy sex life Not rated yet
Hello all, I am a 32 year old man, and my fiance is a 38 year old woman. We have been together for a little over 3 years now. I have two step children …

Old girlfriends Not rated yet
Hello, My husband insists on being on Facebook for hours at night connecting with old girlfriends/fiances. He doesn't share any of it with me and says …

What should I do? Not rated yet
I’m really after some advice. This all relates to two relationships so I’ll give you a bit of background on them. Me and my ex split up 5 years ago. …

Abusive boyfriend  Not rated yet
I am in relationship with a guy and we have talked to our parents about our marriage too. I like this guy but he is being too abusive i think. He is too …

Girlfriend refuses to kiss me Not rated yet
I know this is probably a little one-sided as you're not hearing her side, but I've been technically dating this girl for about 7 months (I say technically …

I need help on what to do Not rated yet
My wife and I have been married for almost 4 years, she told me she has been feeling like roommates and unhappy. I wasn’t communicating with her that I …

Bar hopping while out of town Not rated yet
My husband and I have been married for 10 years and have 2 small children together. He recently took a new job which requires a lot of traveling. He's …

Horrid relationship. Having a hard time terminating mixed with wanting to fix it Not rated yet
Hi, I wasn't able to see others posts'....not sure how much to divulge. I'm in a really yukky relationship, almost 2 years, living together. I know …

Advice needed Not rated yet
Hi, hoping someone can give me some good advice. My partner of 7 years and I have been having some relationship difficulties. I found out yesterday that …

Financial and communication difficulties  Not rated yet
Just to start with a question- has anybody heard about a woman paying for her own wedding ring?? Briefly - I proposed to my husband because he was always …

Feeling like drowning  Not rated yet
Just wrote this and helped me stop crying tonight: So much to say but no one to listen, that has been my life for the last decade. I can't even talk …

i need some help Not rated yet
Hi my name is Dan i am married and have been for 5 years . A few years ago my wife found out about my porn addiction. and it turned our world upside down. …

Want my marriage to work Not rated yet
Hello - We are an Indian couple. In our country we have lot of arranged marriages where parents arrange and fix the marriage. Parents do not accept love …

I just don't know what to do anymore.. serious problems / fiance / family life / financial crisis / mental health Not rated yet
*Very long story here and I'm looking for some serious advice. Please don't judge, I need help, not someone looking down on me. This is my last hope.... …

lost all feelings for my spouse Not rated yet
Been together 30 yrs and married 26.We have 2 adult children still at home. Spouse always preferred company of friends over me. Earned more money than …

Am I just being paranoid? Not rated yet
I met my husband online 9 years ago. We started chatting and flirting with each other. I saw him doing that with other women too, so I didn't take what …

Blame to do nothing for her every time  Not rated yet
HI, I am 34 years boy working in a IT company 200 Miles from my home. I have been married for 5 years. Since I do not live with my wife and she live with …

How do I get my man to be more of a man? Not rated yet
I love my boyfriend with all my heart we were BEST friends for years before we started dating so we have a super strong connection. I would never want …

Long-distance Marriage and the threats that came with it Not rated yet
After only 6 months of being together, my now husband and I got married and built a family. but after a year or so, we had to separate because he needed …

Don’t know whether I should continue to fight for my marriage.  Not rated yet
My husband and I have been together for almost 3 years and married for 1 year. We have a 18 month old together and we both have several kids from previous …

Telling her that i like her Not rated yet
There is a girl that l like in my University, we two do not know each other, in planning to tell her that I like her but do not know what to say, I don't …

Husband not supportive  Not rated yet
Hello, I had a confrontation today with a fellow worker who has been bullying me for many years. Today she was very aggressive, yelling at me and she …

Lora Not rated yet
I’ve been engaged to a mostly wonderful man for the last 3 years. We moved into together with my then 16 yo and 18 yo daughters. Their father is dead so …

Click here to write your own.

Husband secretly watching teen porn. Not rated yet
Please help. I have recently checked our computer which my 57 year old husband mostly uses, and I found my husband had been searching for and viewing teen …

Post pregnancy, getting horny many times a day, is that normal? Not rated yet
I am a male, near forty, married and a father of one. Since we got pregnant 2 years ago and afterward when our lovely daughter was born, our sexual life …

Relationship in crisis Not rated yet
Not sure where to start. I don't know where to turn. I think my marriage is at an end but I don't want it to be. But my husband isn't a sort it out kind …

Husband wants me to die after having a baby so he can have threesome with other women Not rated yet
I asked my husband yesterday about what he said the other day, that he hope that I will die when having my baby. He wasn’t mad anymore yesterday when I …

New career before Marriage? Not rated yet
I've been with my girlfriend for almost 2 years. I am madly in love with her and her daughter. In so many ways she's perfect. She supports me, she pushes …

Toxic brother in law  Not rated yet
My husbands younger brother is 100% a narcissist. He is 24 and has been married (and now divorced) twice in the last 3 years. The second time he married, …

Husband into shemales and bdsm Not rated yet
Hello Everyone, I am here cause there is no one i can talk or discuss this with. I got married last year to an old time college friend. We used to …

Serious problem in my family Not rated yet
In my family 7 members are there. Mom dad me (most elder son) and 4 sisters. My father was very poor and tried to manage to give education for me and sister …

She wants to live seperatly to find out why she is unhappy Not rated yet
Ive been married for 15 years. We were the couple everyone wanted to be. We were fun, finish each others sentences, laughed so much. We have 2 beautiful …

What would you think of this situation? Not rated yet
I need some help with a situation and want people's unbiased opinions. My husband and I are in a long distance marriage currently but visit each other …

Arranged Marriage - Issues Not rated yet
Hi, I would appreciate some advice on the below situation as I am confused as to how to advice my friend. My friend who is quite close to his family …

Completely down after 22 years-don't know what to do Not rated yet
Long story short: together with wife for 25 years, married 22. I adopted her son when he was little. We had a daughter together. Both are grown and out …

Purple Skies Not rated yet
If I’m honest, my wife has never had the highest sex drive and at the best of times, it was maybe once a week - always Saturday/Sunday morning and always …

How to ensure equal contribution to parenting and household chores. Not rated yet
I work. My spouse does not. It has not always been that way, but it is our current situation. We have two children. One is five and one is two. The five …

What do I say to break the silence? Not rated yet
A week ago my husband and I were arguing, he said to me "nothing you say makes any sense" I said to him "You almost never have anything positive to say …

Husbands Double Life causing big problems please help Not rated yet
My husband has what I feel is like a double life. He has his family life where he is dad and husband and a decent one at that but then he has his other …

I want my husband and I to move to my home state. Not rated yet
My husband and I met in his home state of Texas 10 years ago. We spent 5 years there, then moved to Tennessee where we’ve spent the last 5 years. When …

Sian Not rated yet
I really don’t know whether it is me anymore. I feel he deliberately winds me up on purpose and is so nasty. As a for instance we eventually went out …

Completely emasculated and isolated Not rated yet
Financially secure and wealthy. After wife's death remarried fearing loneliness. The current wife of 5 years has completely isolated me, treats me like …

Wife constantly angry and abusive towards myself and adult children Not rated yet
My wife of 35 years is often angry and verbally fighting with basically everyone around her. As briefly as possible, she’s always been fiery and quick …

Problematic sister-in-law  Not rated yet
Sister-in-law creates stress b/w me & my husband < sister-in-law daughter birthday party every year she will invite my husband & son not me. < …

Needing advice of husband with insomnia  Not rated yet
My husband and I have been together for 4.5 years.. His insomnia started about 10 months into the relationship. This caused him be very depressed, not …

I Married into a Bad Situation Not rated yet
I married a interesting, competent, good provider, man 28 years ago. I cried when we decided to get together and now I know why. His family is duplicitous, …

Separated Not rated yet
My husband and I have been together for 11 years, married for 8. We have one child together 9 years old. 2 months ago he told me he wanted out. He said …

No communication or answers from spouse Not rated yet
Married 15 yrs together for 20. There is no conversation about anything and when I ask direct questions I get no answers and then he tries to bring up …

Click here to write your own.

How many times does my husband deserve space? Not rated yet
My husband walked out on me the day after Christmas and was gone for 2 weeks living with another female. He threatened divorce every day and it was a horrible …

Announcing Erectile dysfunction on loudspeaker Not rated yet
I'm a 36 year old Indian male suffering from erectile dysfunction from many years. I might get hard using Viagra but even then it is not really reliable, …

My husband saves his sex scandal with his exes Not rated yet
Me and my husband married 1 and half years ago.We are not always living together since we are in long distance relationship since. But he make effort to …

I was fired today Not rated yet
Long story a little shorter. My husband and I have been married for 8 years. He cheated on me twice. We separated for about 9 months which we didn't have …

Am I wrong or bad ? Not rated yet
My wife of almost 4 years and I have had a lot of arguments that got out of hand. We start arguing and she will spit in my face or hit me knowing that …

Counseling not possible and at our lowest point. Not rated yet
My story and situation is very long and complicated so I'll spare it, though I'm happy to provide some context and details if needed. Here's the basic …

Failure in the Expectation of a Relationship  Not rated yet
When I met my husband in 2014, I, a respiratory therapist at a huge hospital, was making a lot of money. He was a student and I had excepted that I would …

What should I do? Move on or wait?  Not rated yet
Before going into the story. I’ll tell a few things. I’m a tamil Brahmin(Iyer) and She is an Iyyengar. We both are in same company (Like kind of having …

Is my wife interested in another guy? Not rated yet
My wife and I rent out some property on our farm and recently my wife received a letter from a guy who used to stay on one of our cottages that we have …

My husband is alienating our neighbors and the money that comes with them Not rated yet
My husband is a carpenter who has been working in our little community on odd jobs for the last 8 years. Recently there have been some neighbor problems. …

Time for Change - can't keep my family together anymore Not rated yet
I've been lingering in a situation for years now. I am a male, father of 3, wife. I will try to summarize briefly (difficult). I am and have been a one-man …

My husband has a mistress  Not rated yet
My husband has an affair that's been going on for 5 yrs. i've been married for 24 yrs and we have 4 children who are all adults. The other woman is 18 …

Can I let my colleague know that I like him? Not rated yet
He is my colleague and younger to me. I have a feelings for him. I know that he knows it and enjoys it but till date have not shown that much interest …

Feeling Excluded Not rated yet
We are recent friends with another couple (neighbors). It seems like my husband finds every excuse to hang out next door (i.e. help the other hubby with …

Worried for my grandaughter Not rated yet
This consumes me and I feel like I have no recourse, hopefully someone can help me sort through this. I was 43 when my youngest daughter who was 18 at …

My wife doesn't like me watching football Not rated yet
Ok... So despite my wife watching pretty much everything she wants on the TV she despises me watching my football team play once a week. am I asking for …

The reptile brain prevaled.  Not rated yet
Hi. I'm not quite sure how to explain my troubles with my partner. He's a kind man, and he provides for his family.. however.. New Years a couple of years …

Sorry: This question is sexual in nature  Not rated yet
My husband and I have been together 16 years, married 8 years. It wasn’t until after we were married he began to express interest in anal sex. Anal was …

Doesnt know if she's still in love.advice! Not rated yet
Married with one child and another from her previous relationship. Our sex life has suffered for years, we had money problems but always stayed together. …

I’ve possibly ruined my marriage  Not rated yet
To put this in context I have some severe mental problems. Over the last month or so my depression was worse than ever (I’m hopefully going to be doing …

Marriage help Not rated yet
I feel that my wife is very emotionally needy but never tries to improve her situation. Over the last few years I've tried to motivate her, get her some …

Sexless Marriage at 27 Not rated yet
Hello, So me and my wife have been married for almost 4 years now, and she's 2 years younger than me. I'm 27 and she's 25. When we first started dating …

Marriage problems Not rated yet
Hi. I am talking to strangers here because I can't talk to my husband. He believes there's nothing wrong and shuts me down when I try. My main frustration …

Name Calling Not rated yet
Hello, This is my first post here so any input on the subject will be greatly appreciated. Big picture: Husband and I have been together for a bit …

Lie unfolds 8 years later Not rated yet
Last weekend as I was going through old photos on our desktop computer I came across photos from a work vegas trip my husband attended 8 years ago (we …

Click here to write your own.

Am I justified? Not rated yet
Hello there. I have a problem I have been struggling with for about the last 6 or 7 years. My wife and I have been married for 13 years. We have an 11 …

My wife is not happy with our marriage anymore. What should I do? Not rated yet
I have been married to my wife for almost ten years now. We had quite a smooth start as we were dating up until at the early stage of our marriage. However, …

Discordant sexual desires and all the trouble that comes with it Not rated yet
The quick rundown: I'm that typical guy in an amazing marriage that's perfect besides the sex life. Her libido is very low. I made sure my needs for sex …

My mum is trying to destroy my marriage.... Not rated yet
I need help about my current situation. My husband is originally from Greece. He has traveled throughout Europe for the past 10 years for work and came …

I know it's wrong but I feel it's justified. Am I wrong?  Not rated yet
My husband and I have been together for 14 years. We were friends for 7 years before (from day one at secondary school I knew he was the one), but we were …

Feel like I'm losing my mind Not rated yet
Here lately I feel like I'm losing my mind. My husband keeps leaving earlier and earlier for work when his job is right at 10 minutes away. He is currently …

My mind is in a muddle...  Not rated yet
My family has a good life, and I'm afraid I am about to mess it up for everyone. Hubby and I have been together 12 years, married 8, with 2 BEAUTIFUL …

My Marriage is in real trouble and she has shut me out. Not rated yet
I am doing all I can. I have made the changes and dedicated myself to just working so she can have better things. I pretty much work on oil rigs all the …

We've been at each other's throats. I'm trying to gain control. Not rated yet
Our fight started Friday, July 27th and it is now Sunday, July 29th. I'm losing my mind about how else to handle these petty little arguments that seem …

High expectations  Not rated yet
My husband would like me to perform oral sex on him every night to help him go to sleep. The problem is that sometimes I am too tired or just not in the …

Husband keeps comparing me physically to his ex-girlfriends? Not rated yet
My husband and I have been married eight months and together a total of eleven months. Since we've been together my husband has made a lot of comments …

Sexless marriage Not rated yet
I am Becky. Me and any husband have been married for 2.5 years. we did not have sex since last year. He never touches me and is never interested in …

My marriage is failing Not rated yet
I have been married for 10 years, but have been with my husband off and on for a total of 19 years. Had 2 children prior to marriage. Cheating occurred …

Husband addicted to teen porn Not rated yet
A little history 1st. Married 15 yrs, he is mid 60s me late 40. We currently work together, same place/office so together 24/7,365. No friends, he has …

Marraige  Not rated yet
I have been in love with my best friend for past 4 years and whom I know for 7 years who studied with me in the same college. My family is very loving …

Need Perspective and Thoughts Not rated yet husband and I have been together 33 years. We have 4 children. We have both been to counseling in the past. I love my husband but I don't …

My boyfriend has blocked me Not rated yet
I have a long distance relationship for almost eight years. I move from early 40s to early 50s and he moves from early 50s to late 50s. His work required …

My husbands name is still on his ex wife’s vehicle Not rated yet
My husband and I are best friends but the marriage has been rocky from the beginning. He will keep things from me but he doesn’t consider that lying. …

I really need help Not rated yet
I broke up with a girl as she wanted to date someone else. I started to date another girl and it was going good. After about a month, I stupidly made out …

Leaving the kids is really the hardest thing to do, My bf moved out from his home 3 months ago and told his wife he want separation, he has 4 kids, 13, …

Kes Not rated yet
Hi I have been married for over 40 years. My Husband is retired whilst I work 2 days a week to top up my company pension and look after my grandchild once …

Wife cheated and left multiple times Not rated yet
Over a year ago now, my wife wanted to separate, and I found out she was cheating physically with one person and emotionally with another. She swore she …

I proposed to my girlfriend, but it didn't go as planned and now eveything is ruined Not rated yet
I proposed to my girlfriend last night, we've been dating for close to three years now and have talked about marriage a lot and got promise rings last …

Once loving husband no longer loving  Not rated yet
I am at a loss and I need advice. Advice more constructive than “just talk to him” or “leave him now” preferably. My husband and I have been together …

I caught my husband flirting via text and expects me to just get over it... Not rated yet
I read a text on his phone sent to an ex-coworker (a kissy emoji face) and when I confronted him about it, he says that he's not flirting and that it's …

Click here to write your own.

Is falling in love with a married woman a sin? Not rated yet
I don’t know when did this start. I just woke up one day feeling something with my doctor. At first, I thought I just admired her because she is so smart …

Not just a wife and mom  Not rated yet
I was invited to dinner By a female friend and business associate to her club. I confirmed with my husband that he was ok with keeping the kids (3 and …

Beardedbeard89 Not rated yet
I've been with my wife for close to 9 years. We got married on June 22, 2017. We have 2 children together, we have a 5 year old daughter ( born in 2013) …

My husband says there is no hope. Not rated yet
I will try to keep this short, so here goes the basics. I’ve been married for 15 years & we have 3 sons together, (including a new baby only 5 months old). …

Am I being unreasonable?  Not rated yet
My cell phone is on mute due to the nature of my job. I forget to turn the ringer back on after work and so I keep it on silent with a light feature that …

Nichola F. Not rated yet
I have been married for 18 yrs and have 2 children.Recently I have realised that my husband is unable to support me when I’m unhappy about any issues and …

If new vagina is considered better than old vagina, why does my boyfriend keep trying to cheat with his ex? Not rated yet
He hasn’t only tried to cheat on me with her one time but more than that. Even when I saw that she told him that she knows he still is with me and that …

Should I stay or leave ? Not rated yet
Hi Guys, I am a 29 year old Indian Woman. I had an arranged marriage to my husband back in 2015. We just met once and got engaged in 1 week without …

He Wants Children Not rated yet
My husband and I are 10 years apart. We were quickly taken with each other and had a lightning marriage, and we brushed over the topic of whether we wanted …

Dad In Need Of Advice Not rated yet
My wife and I have been together for over 15 years. She has always been up and down mood-wise as if she bi-polar, especially since we had kids. There …

Am I overreacting about my cousin and husband? Not rated yet
Hi, I would like for you all to tell me if I’m overreacting. Recently, my family and my cousin went to visit My cousin ex boyfriend who is (also her child’s …

Doubts Not rated yet
I’m struggling whether to stay or go! I have been struggling for a while now, over a year and a half with relationship doubts. I have been with my husband …

Mrs Not rated yet
I am very happily married and have been for just under two years. We don’t have children yet but are thinking about starting. My husband is a really wonderful …

Should I  Not rated yet
I need advice. A little background: I am a 49 year old divorced mother of two (both over 18) in a committed, monogamous relationship with a 57 year old …

Marriage difficulty  Not rated yet
My wife and I just had our 1st child a baby boy, she and I just can't agree with anything at the moment and on top of things she in hospital not well. …

End things or keep working at it? Not rated yet
I am a currently in a serious relationship with my girlfriend who was previously married for 15 years before getting divorced 4 years ago. She has 3 children …

Don't know what to do... Not rated yet
So this past Sunday my husband and I went to dinner at my parents. My sister brought her friend and introduced us to her for the first time. (strictly …

Depression/anxiety suddenly taking away my joy and happiness  Not rated yet
Hi! I’m looking for help and insight into awful feelings I’ve been experiencing for almost a week. I’ve been in a relationship with the same person …

Stuck between two Not rated yet
Hi. I am 27 years old and I love someone very much and will be marrying him soon. However I met a guy in the office and I got attracted towards him and …

Unappreciated  Not rated yet
My husband gets sent pornographic videos and pics from friends and constantly is looking at nude images! How do I move past this as I feel it’s cheating, …

Boyfriend of 5 years uncertain about marriage  Not rated yet
Hi, I'm a 23 year old girl. I have been with my boyfriend of 5 years now (He's 26). Because it's always been my dream to marry young, and also since …

Conflicted feelings  Not rated yet
So my boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years now. We have been living together since 6 months into our relationship. I've been getting these …

Inter cultural and religion marriage Not rated yet
I'm Christian married to a Muslim man. Before our wedding, I made it clear to him that I will not convert to Islam and he agreed. We were so happy …

I married the wrong person  Not rated yet
Please help me. I've been married to my husband for almost 2 years, but we have been together for 7. I am at the stage where if I were not married, …

Lost in a sea of sadness  Not rated yet
Hi everyone. . We are known as a power couple/inspiration to others etc. hear it all the time. Beautiful kids and founded and own a very successful biz. …

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Hurt and Confused  Not rated yet
I'm 60 and husband is 63 we have known each other for almost 30 years. A month ago I found out he was using credit cards and ordering online lingerie for …

Boyfriend Doesn't Believe in Marriage and Is Not Keen About Having Children With Me Not rated yet
Hi, Everyone... I am going to get married next month. My boyfriend, well, he is not the kind of person who is eager about tying the knot, in his …

My husband is my roommate Not rated yet
We're only 21 and 22 years old, and have been married for three years, with a two year old daughter and another baby due in August. After I got pregnant …

Trust Issues and Broken Confidence Not rated yet
DH is in the army. We have been married since this past December and I thought things were going well. He left for Korea for a one year tour in May and …

Will things ever change back to how they used to be? Not rated yet
When my aunt passed away in 2015, my heart was shattered. She had just moved from across the country and was staying in my son’s room. On Mother’s Day, …

Indifferent Not rated yet
I had an arranged marriage. I was really excited and in the period of courtship I realized that my fiance made small remarks about my face having a fat …

Ex girlfriend and mother in law  Not rated yet
I married (I have two kids) a few months ago and my mother in law and my husband ex (of 10 years and have a kid together) is very close to her. My husband …

My boyfriend of 8 years doesn't like me anymore???  Not rated yet
We've been together for about 7-8 years. We broke up last year due to consistent communication issues but got back together a few months later because …

He called me names  Not rated yet
For my husband and I, English is the second language. He was on a phone with someone when he said "come again?" because he couldn't hear them. This was …

Wife texting gay male best friend Not rated yet
My wife is constantly texting her male friend, whom is gay. She says I have nothing to worry about because he is gay, and I’m not worried about that at …

Stuck on what to write in a congrats marriage card (delicate situation) Not rated yet
I'm so stuck. I am normally very good at coming up with a nice & personable message in cards, but because of the Dynamics of this situation, nothing feels …

Want to propose but.. Not rated yet
I had owned my own business for 6 years as a trade contractor. I've no other training besides that trade I've done for 18 years. I'm half worn out at 37 …

Can't figure out what is going on Not rated yet
We've been having a long distance relationship for over 14 years. In between we've been meeting regularly and 5 times lived together for more than 6 months. …

Feel trapped. Not rated yet
I recently got married 2 days after my son was born in December. I had been with his father just shy of 2 years. We both had 2 kids coming in to the relationship …

He never offers help or support Not rated yet
Hi there. I am married 3 years, together 5. My father was an alcoholic and abandoned the family when i was young. I have dealt with a lot of that in therapy. …

Mother talks disrespectfully towards me still at 27  Not rated yet
For as long as I can remember my mother has been eccentric and explosive when it comes to emotions and dealing with stress. It’s always been this way and …

Marriage  Not rated yet
I am a South Indian. My question is can I marry my fathers father (grand father) own brother wife own sisters son

dealing with!!! Not rated yet
Good day. I would just like to conduct a survey mostly for married couples living on their own. How often do you or your partner speak and see your family …

Ex husband wants to work things out  Not rated yet
My ex husband and I were together for 5 years and have one son together who is 4 years old. He left me for another women he was seeing at work and even …

My husband did not work all year Not rated yet
My husband decided not to work all year. So I worked hard took care of the children paid all the bills and because I have good credit got a credit card, …

New marriage needs help Not rated yet
My wife 23 and I 37 have been together for 5 years and married for 8 months. We have a 3 year old son. She left about 3 months ago without warning. She …

wife has lost interest in sex Not rated yet
my wife started losing interest in me at around the age of 35 (we're now 60). her idea of lot of sex is 3 or 4 times a year, and we've gone several years …

Difficulties in family relations Not rated yet
I am an Indian girl I got married to my husband in jan 2017 . After few days I got to know his behavior was not proper then after a research on internet …

Husband addicted to phone Not rated yet
My husband is addicted to his phone. He is so uninterested in anything around him anymore. I barely see his face anymore, only the top of his head because …

How to move past an affair to save my marriage Not rated yet
My husband was unfaithful to me months ago but I can’t get over it. It was with a coworker, they never were physical but had inappropriate flirtatious …

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Maybe she wasn't the one for me, but deep down I wanted her to be. Why? Not rated yet
I'm 21/M, she's 19/F, we've been talking for around 7 months and I think it got romantic along those months. To be honest, never thought she'd be this …

Christmas disaster: my family hates my husband Not rated yet
My husband myself and my 5 month old baby flew to my family's farm for Christmas for 2.5 weeks (sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, right?.) prior …

Everyone thinks I'm selfish and she's selfless, but it's not that simple. Not rated yet
My husband and I have been trying to have children for years, and it never works for us. I have lost four pregnancies, the furthest making it to 13 weeks. …

Impartial advice Not rated yet
Need impartial advice. Married 4 years together 9. Two step-kids 13 and 16 live with us full time and one kid together. Some issues are: Kids - even …

My Boyfriend that I live with shows ZERO intamacy or interst in me.  Not rated yet
I have tried talking to him. He said that "We can work this thing out and fix this problem".. REALLY??? I talked to him three weeks ago and he hasn't budged …

My wife is treating me like a child Not rated yet
How can I get her to stop treating me like a child respectfully?

Lonely, boring marriage to good man Not rated yet
Contemplating a divorce. I'm not sure if I lack determination, or sheer will, but I am so unhappy in my marriage. Background: we have 2 kids, one is …

Am i expecting wrong from hubby? Not rated yet
My problem started when my Brother In Law moved to States . Though he is 32 but totally immature and messed up - its a diff story Right now my sister …

Where did the passion go? Is it me?  Not rated yet
I have been in this relationship for 7 years. We know each other pretty well and our habits and what we want from our partner. Well for about 6 months …

In-laws and the gun Not rated yet
I have been married 15 years. For the most part my wife and I get have a healthy relationship. When my wife's parents are visiting or shortly after we …

not sure if I should walk out of marriage Not rated yet
Hi, I wanted to share my story and need inputs from you. My husband has worked for over 7 years in US and has bought a huge expensive house for his …

Compassion and Love Not rated yet
Last night I asked my husband if he Loves me. He said to me yes I love you. I then asked him if he could tell me more often that he loved me. We have …

Stay or go... Not rated yet
My hubby and I have been married for five years. He never made anniversaries special. Special occasions I make special for him but he doesn't. He fought …

How to stay supportive? Not rated yet
Hi, first of all I love my wife, we've been married for four years now and have a 2 year old little girl. For some time after Lilli was born my wife …

I have a good son, 33 years old now with some good traits as a person, like very hard working, no vices, family oriented, intelligent, tall, handsome, …

marriage worries Not rated yet
I discovered a month ago my wife of 21 years googled "in love with someone else but he doesn't know"- as you can understand i was/am devastated - this …

Be addicted to make love with xosexdoll Not rated yet
In my 18 years'birthday day, my uncle present a sex doll for me,extremely shame about it at that time,leave it and never open it. Almost two years later,I …

Help Not rated yet
I've been with my husband for 11 years, married for 10. He used to be so loving and thoughtful but over the years he's become more and more abusive with …

Crush problems Not rated yet
Its around a month now that I met my crush and developed strong feelings for him. I searched him on Facebook and we became friends. He initiated the talks. …

How to trust my fiance with his child's mother(ex) when he has already been proven to be dishonest? Not rated yet
I live with my fiance and have been with him for 2.5 years. We have a 1 year old daughter together. We both have kids from previous relationships. Through …

Wife prior relationship Not rated yet
My wife has a friend who she knew before she met and married me. They were intimate and if he had asked her to marry her she would have. She stated to …

Is it me? Not rated yet
To try and be fair and quick, I left my job to start a family with my husband. I attempted to work from home but found it increasingly difficult so I began …

No sex drivin husband Not rated yet
Ive been married to him for 1yr but together 3yrs. He has no sex drive, he is boring and he gets off and thats it

Husband Stays Out Past 10 at least 2x Week - am I over reacting? Not rated yet
Hi everyone, I'm married to a sweet man (N) whom I love but have had some issues with in terms of weekly routine responsibilities lately. He's always been …

Change of heart about having a baby together. Not rated yet
Hi, I am very in love with my man. And we are approaching the next step which is marriage. I have a daughter (3) who he is now the loving and amazing …

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Is it a crush?? Does he like me?? What do I do?? Not rated yet
(Alex) is a friend of mine since 7th grade. He is shy, quite, smart, independent, has a lot of potential, not really social with school and loves soccer. …

i'm confused Not rated yet
pls i need your help, am so confused. alright now ,there is this gir,l we are been dating since 2012 and everything seemed to be fine with us but not until …

The way he dresses is embarassing, he just doesnt care Not rated yet
Where to start... we have been married almost 25 yr's. here's the problem: My husband doesn't care what he looks like or how he dresses. He decided …

Me and my lies...... Not rated yet
Since childhood I felt unloved by my parents. As I grow older a strong need of a lover grow in me. As a result after my Bachelor Degree I connected with …

Unhappy in marriage Not rated yet
Hello here, I've never posted online before. But I'm so unhappy in my marriage. We are together nearly 15 years. Married neamrly 3 years. We have a child …

How to explain it to wife Not rated yet
We are married since past 3.5 years and are without a kid. 1. My wife (Used to work earlier in my home country in a 9 to 5 job with a metro train travel …

Am I worng Not rated yet
My parent has been in ICU since Sunday, my spouse came down (4 days later) to the city where we have been since. He brought a sex toy and was not happy …

My husband has turned against me Not rated yet
My marriage is over. I doubted it from the moment I stepped foot in my husband’s house, but it became more apparent after the birth of my daughter eight …

Shall i give him another chance Not rated yet
Hi All, I recently got married on 6th June 2016, in the court (against my and my husband's family). We dated 2.5 years before we took a decision as …

Is this a Break or is this over? Not rated yet
03/01/2017 Today is the 3rd day that he hasn’t been here, I say here but I’m at work. I didn’t get much sleep last night, I kept waking up every …

having relationship problems with my children Not rated yet
My childrens father and I have been divorced for some time and he is re married . My children and I are having alot of problems. This is my fault for I …

Financial issues causing marital problems Not rated yet
So over this past year my husband and I have came across some financial problems. We have only been married for 3 years and it seems that we are always …

Disrespected SAHM Not rated yet
When my husband and I had our son we both worked low income jobs as we were both in college. We opened up a joint bank account and never fought about …

I'chbinnichts Not rated yet
I guess I just want to know, is this normal? Am I THAT wrong? For the most part I've been a stay at home mother. I've always kept a spotless home, school …

Such a bad situation !! Not rated yet
Hi, I’m facing a bad situation now. I have been married for a year. But my wife is a very greedy person. I mean, I don’t think she ever loved, all she …

Ok, this is a new one for me Not rated yet
So I have this app on my phone that periodically posts funny pictures. I like to look at it from time to time to entertain myself. One day my wife was …

My husband has changed! Is it worth working on? Not rated yet
So, my husband and I have been together for 3 years and been married for almost 1 (October 10th). We got pregnant very earlier in our relationship, our …

My marriage has failed..I want out but he's thinking we can fix it Not rated yet
I've been married for 23 years, together since I was 16. Married at 20, a year after my dad died. Our first year was hard, getting to deal with his …

Need to save my relation with my husband  Not rated yet
Hi, I was in a relation with one guy and he had personal pics of ours and he didn't wanted to marry me because of his family problems... in meantime …

The Monster my husband created with my help. Not rated yet
So all throughout my early childhood, I always dreamed of having that perfect family, husband and children, white picket fence, blah, blah, blah. Well …

I am confused Not rated yet
I am cheating to my bf and I feel bad about it. Me and my partner were been together for 3 years but we don't have kids. Me and my partner stop having …

11 year relationship  Not rated yet
me and my boyfriend have been together for 11 years. he lives 45 minutes away and it has always been me going over there on saturday night till sunday. …

my bf/daughters father has tried to take ownership of me! Not rated yet
Since i About april of last yr i was 7 1/2 mos pregnant. my bf has changed. He has literally became possessive and controlling. He wants to monitor my …

My dad tried to seduce my husband Not rated yet
My husband and I filed for divorce at the beginning of this year. We decided to try to work things out before the divorce was ever final. During this time, …

What should I do?  Not rated yet
My husband of 3 years only touches intimately maybe once or twice a year now that we are married , yet he can get on the internet and look up porn, and …

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What should I do?!?!? Not rated yet
Well, my boyfriend I currently just got back together, due to me supposedly breaking up with him, but anyways. He has said he has been hurt, but he made …

wondering why? Not rated yet
OK... so I'm back up here again to receive some advice about my relationship... I've been with my boyfriend for about five years now and let me tell you …

Is my boyfriend too controlling? And what can I do? Not rated yet
Okay, so to start off with, I’ve made some pretty big mistakes in this relationship, the worst being lying. I’ve never cheated or anything like that, but …

Loveless Marriage Not rated yet
I am a 26 yrs old Indian women. I got married in sept 2014. It was arranged. My husband and I first met in Jan 2014 and got engaged in Apr 2014. And …

She needs to find herself  Not rated yet
Hey my name is john and I had a perfect relationship with my ex. we lasted for a year and I want to share our story, if you guys think there's a chance …

Not ready for children... Not rated yet
My husband and I have been married for 8 months and we are already fighting about when to start a family. We have been in a relationship for a few years, …

Why did he suddenly break up with me? Not rated yet
1) We dated for 4 months, got to know each other over the course of a year 2) We're teens (under 18) 3) His reason for dumping me was that he just wasn't …

A bad break up, what to do next Not rated yet
I just break up with my boyfriend of almost 9yrs. think he gone back to his next babymama. I am confused and don't know what to do. we have been on and …

Confused girl Not rated yet
Hello. i'v been with my boyfriend for 14 months and i love him deeply, more than anything in the world, and he loves me too. he's everything i ever wanted. …

boyfriend broke up with me  Not rated yet
I left my marriage of 12 years and started dating my boyfriend shortly after. He treated me so good, something I wasn't use to as my husband was emotionally …

Controlling girlfriend? Help! Not rated yet
Me & my girlfriend have been together for nearly 3 years now. everything was perfect to begin with, until I messed up one time. ever since then, every …

Other Happy Couples :( Not rated yet
I hate seeing happy couples! It makes me sad wishing I had what they have. Loving husbands who don't raise their words or hands... Who don't say threats …

I don't know what to do Not rated yet
My husband and I have known each other for about 6 years. We met working at a restaurant when I was 16 and after he stopped working there, we didn't have …

Not thought of Not rated yet
Hi my question is if so, could reply to me, I'll be so Appreciated? For one thing we can be like this. He's so all about himself. it's supposed to …

i lyed to my girlfriend Not rated yet
I went to Monte casino mall for some drinks. then I met her friend, had drinks together and I did not tell her about it. now she ask me for space.

My relationship with my ex boyfriend...Need serious help? Not rated yet
I'm 24,F..I met my ex bf when I was 15. It was the first day of my tuition. I entered the class and the only available seat was next to him so I sat there …

Am I the weakest link? Should I fight for him or leave? Not rated yet
I am 32 and a mother of a very cute 10 month old boy. My husband loves him a lot and the baby is already fancy him than me. But the problem is my husband …

Rinse Repeat........this is getting sureal. Not rated yet
...........Again here I go, a place for me to rant and rave. A safe place to voice my opinions and thoughts with out be yelled at. And made to feel as …

need help Not rated yet
Well I have been married for almost 3 years. I love my wife but I don't love her like I should. I've have tried changing my life style. I've made sacrifice, …

Homemade sex tape  Not rated yet
My ex-wife and I made a mutual home sex movie when we were still together, which I still have a digital copy of on my computer. We have been separated …

Feeling like I'm nothing short of trapped... Not rated yet
I have been married for almost 3 years. My husband is in the military and recently got home from a deployment. While he was deployed, I gave birth to our …

confused and upset Not rated yet
I have been married for five years, my husband goes out 7 days of the week and comes home late, he talks down on me and never appreciates me.

No more affection Not rated yet
Before I married my husband, he was always affectionate towards me. Kissed me out of nowhere or hugged me for no reason or say I love you out of the blue. …

i think my boyfriend is cheating on me Not rated yet
i am 15 years old and he is 20 years old, we are now 6 months in love. i used to love to phone him, text him and all this things but he didn't do the same …

Does he love me? Not rated yet
Hi to all. Hope you are well. Background: I am 71 yo and my finance is 74 yo. We live together. We've been together 2 yrs. I have 3 sons, 3 wonderful …

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Just Need Advice Not rated yet
Ok, I have been married to my wonderful wife for almost 15 years. I love her to death. I believe in my vows...for better or for worse, till death do us …

Girlfriend can't think about a relationship right now  Not rated yet
Hey there. Ok I really just want to know a few people's outside point of view....this is a fairly long story to explain so please try and stay with …

What do I do Not rated yet
My partner and I of 6 years have both 1 child from a previous marriage. They are the same age and get on great. My partner is a lovely man, he supports …

Facebook Message endangers my marriage! Help us!!! Not rated yet
Intro Hello. My name is Nicole and I am 29, my husband is 25 yrs old. October 1st we would have been married for 3 years- God willing. I think it's …

lying,deceitful men, and men that are users Not rated yet
I have been with my guy for over 7 years now and he still had no job. recently he got back in school. now he saying he about to get money and everybody …

Innocent relationship? Not rated yet
My husband and I have been married 24 years, have 4 daughters, the last nearly finished with high school. We've had a pretty good relationship, rarely …

my BF and I get along fabulously but he isnt interested in Sex Not rated yet
I have not met anyone else that is so easy to be around and he is really like my best friend... BUT... When he got to the point to try getting physical …

Don't Know What to Do. Not rated yet
I have tried several times to write my story here. It's 20 years in the making. And when it comes down to it, no matter how short or how long I keep it, …

HELP Not rated yet
I've been in marriage for the past five years. We have two kids, the youngest is 8 months now, the oldest is 4 years old. My situation is that I came …

lionessoflove Not rated yet
i do everything mostly on my own... i love people life and animals... i am very intelligent and kind-hearted, but around people i constantly feel insecure …

Sleeping with the enemy?!....... Not rated yet
I met my husband almost six years ago. We met on MySpace, but only became friends at first. Only after 3 months of dating, we decided to get married. Within …

My amazing one night Not rated yet
I've been with my current bf for 8 years. Well he's kinda of a bad bf cuz he is irresponsible, in and out of jail for petty and felonies crimes. None-the-less …

Prince Charming to Prince Fear Not rated yet
My husband and I dated for 14 months before we were married. In that time he was affectionate, generous, protective and spent a lot of his time with me. …

unhappy relationship :-( Not rated yet
I have been unhappy in my 12 year relationship, with 2 kids, for around 5 yrs ..... For the past 5 years, every couple of months, i would break down n …

I moved to another country for a guy who turned out to be abusive. Not rated yet
So when I was 19, I was living in basically hell with my abusive drunk Dad and my disabled brother and dog who he would constantly abuse too. I was jaded …

35 years! Not rated yet
I have been married for 35 years, and during these years my husband has never liked sex, and would go months without any sex. About five years ago I noticed …

what to do? Not rated yet
i married this woman for 8 years. during that times, she went overseas and met her ex-boyfriend and bring his pictures in my house. this guy's pictures …

Five Years with my "First Love" Not rated yet
It will be almost five years since I met this person. We were only fifteen when we first starting dating. Of course i though it was true love and maybe …

what do I do... Not rated yet
Hi,I am engaged. And my fiancee is a wonderful man but he attacks me with emotional and verbal insults. I have told him and even cried that it hurts me …

Help Not rated yet
I've been in a relationship with a woman now for about four years. I'm 44 and she is 47. When it first started out it was like fireworks, the love of a …

After 4 Years I Finally Realize I'm in an Abusive Relationship Not rated yet
My wife and I have been together for nearly 20 years. After many years of happiness, about 4 years ago our relationship starting turning very negative. …

Not sure about anything anymore. Is it me? Not rated yet
i met my partner 6 yrs ago. He was my friend's brother. She told me he liked me, and didn't seem to have a problem with dating him; that was until i did …

My Brother-In-Law's wife is out to sabotage our family.... Not rated yet
My brother-in-law just married a woman that the rest of the family, (including my husband who is his brother, their parents and grandparents) thinks is …

Teetering on the edge of I don't know what - but I'm tired Not rated yet
Tired. I will try to be brief. Married 20+ years. One child who is late teens now. We definitely got married too young. Husband - has always been a control …


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Marriage or not? Not rated yet
We have been dating for 2 years...I told him that the plan I have for myself is to get married, and since he did not share the same value of marriage....we …

Really sad Not rated yet
Hi, I'm a high school senior, and my boyfriend and i recently broke up over me asking him for his facebook password.. We met in freshman year and we been …

Stressed  Not rated yet
I have been with my boyfriend for a year a half. We have a 5 month old son. He doesn't hit me but does talk down to me, for instance. I just started …

My husband has gone overboard this time with verbal abuse over an argument Not rated yet
I've been married for 12 years. I have two children. 12 and 7 years old. I have never been able to rely on my husband. He can't keep a job and he doesn't …

My Wife Is Never Home. Not rated yet
My wife is going out daily till 3, 4 or sometimes 8 in the morning. Things were good until I asked her to spend more time with me. Now she says she will …

My girlfriend was raped ... and it's not over... Not rated yet
My girlfriend was raped. They threw her in a van and raped her. Told her if she told anyone, they would kill her family. They belong to a gang, pretty …

Continuous Lies... Not rated yet
I have been married for nearly 6 yrs and love my hubby dearly. 2 yrs ago I found a bank bill with a florist name on it, even though my husband had sent …

~Like a single mother,even though i'm still married.~ Not rated yet
Actually, Me & my husband have been married for about 12 years. And ever since our adorable daughter was born over 4 years ago, i feel like i am a single …

We don't understnd each other... Not rated yet
I am in a relationship, and it seems we r not understanding each other, coz my fiancé says that I concerned with issues that do not help in our relationship. …

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