The way he dresses is embarassing, he just doesnt care

by Mrs Baker
(Grand Rapids , Mi)

Where to start... we have been married almost 25 yr's. here's the problem:

My husband doesn't care what he looks like or how he dresses. He decided to grow a beard a few years back, that however is not the problem. The problem is he wont shave his neck and it looks God awful terrible. I have asked him for years to clean it up as he works in a professional environment. He won't buy new clothes and is so outdated that I don't want to go out into public with him (not that he leaves the house unless its for golf and he cant even dress half way decent for that. He has the money to update his clothing. He has NOT had new glasses in over 10 years, these things are so scratched up I don't know how he even sees out of them.

Here's what really makes me MAD is he will spend $$$ on new speakers (Sonos) and they're not cheap, or the latest in electronics for computer or golf.

Last night I came right out and told him how un-attractive his beard looks to me. He never wants to go any place or do anything on the weekends unless it's golf. And if the weather doesn't allow this we sit in the family room and watch what he wants to watch all weekend.

Last weekend he went out golfing with our son-in-law and my daughter said to me (not the first time either)... OMG! MOM! His clothes! I cant believe he leaves the house looking like that.

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