He doesn't get it

by Juile
(Chicago )

He doesn't get it. I been telling him since he laid his hands on our daughter and I got in his face. He said he didn't push her hard, however she had bruises. We went to 4 sessions of therapy and he even sees we shouldn't be together, keeps talking about how him and I live in the same house but do everything separate.

I told him today I didn't want to marry him, I just did it because he told me if I didn't, it was over and he was going to take our daughter away from me because I had nothing.

I want to be happy and with him around I am miserable. To the point where I am thinking of cutting myself to see how the pain feels, maybe to take away the emotional pain. I pick at my fingers until they bleed.

I want a happy life. I can't leave, where am I going to go with 3 dogs and 2 kids. I wish I could run away with the kids but I don't want to go to jail.

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Dec 18, 2014
Forget Jail!
by: Your Couples Guide

If anyone will go to jail, it is your husband. The next time he bruises your daughter, take photos of them and call the Child Protection Service in your town. Behavior like this constitutes child abuse. You can also get a Protection From Abuse ruling from the police, which will keep him away from you and the kids.

By the way, if your therapist knows about this, he or she is required to report such abuse.

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