35 years!

by Laurie

I have been married for 35 years, and during these years my husband has never liked sex, and would go months without any sex. About five years ago I noticed he would not hold my hand, or touch me at all, as well as withholding sex.

That was five years ago and he still will not have sex. I am very confused because we have a good relationship, only if I do not talk about our sex problem.

I am not satisfied with not being touched, or not getting affection, as well as no sex. I feel lonely, sad, and frustrated.

I did get him to go to a marriage counselor but he is not trying to change. I even left him for a year, planing on getting a divorce, however he talked me into coming home because of finances, but nothing has changed. I do not know where to go from here.

Should I just call it quits, or stay and not ever get any affection at all for the rest of my marriage..?

Dear Laurie... If you are still going to that marriage counselor, that is the place to bring up this issue. It sounds like your husband finds sex difficult or distasteful. Only you can decide if this is a deal-breaker or not.


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